Semen & Sales

There is very little more that can be said about Theodore. Excels in a large number of traits. Combination of birth, doability and muscle with unsurpassed consistency in breeding both bulls and females. Purchased for $36,000 in 2000. In 2011 he became the first Shorthorn bull to have over 1000 calves registered in Australia. He has been used in over 40 herds. He is truly a legend of the breed.
Semen is available in USA, Canada and New Zealand

The Urquhart Winner for the over all champion beef breed animal at the 2005 Sydney Royal Show. A soft coloured and coated roan bull with a great combination of muscle and doability. He was a Dollars son from an impressive Vagabond Belinda female. We have sold some top bulls by him, especially from Theodore daughters.
Semen is available in South America, Canada,
New Zealand and South Africa

The best breeding son of Theodore we have used. He displays similar consistency in his progeny as his sire. He throws muscle, eye appeal and performance. His outstanding performance has seen him widely used in both the Royalla and Marellan herds as well as outside herds.
Semen is available in South Africa, New Zealand, USA, Canada


Part of an embryo flush using a ¼ straw of Deerpark Leader semen to a Carnation female. These genetics are an historic part of the Shorthorn breed. Great female breeder. Part of an embryo flush using a ¼ straw of Deerpark Leader semen to a Carnation
female. These genetics are an historic part of the Shorthorn breed. Great female breeder. Semen available in USA

Weebollabolla Prince
Prince was a bull who’s phenotype just grabbed you. He was correct, easy doing and displayed plenty of muscle. A complete outcross to virtually the whole breed, Prince came out of the Redbank cows at Weebollabolla, he was a pure Australian Shorthorn. The herd had been closed for 70 years when he was born. Genetics that can never be repeated. Prince left us with some extremely good females, including Fullgloss 2152 the dam of Masterpiece who topped our 2010 sale at $19,500.

Moombi Zoro C21
Zoro was a stand out for us at Dubbo in 2009 for his combination of muscling and softness. He also had a great marble fleck reading. Second top sale price at $14,000.

Ingleton Evelution
Purchased at Naracoorte in 2011. Evelution is a later maturing bull with lots of stretch and performance. Has very high indices.

Weebollabolla Royalla CK478
You can’t get a better pedigree than this. By Ferrari out of Theodore’s mother. Born five weeks premature, only 17kg, he is genetically bigger than he appears. Thick and moderate, WR was used on heifers first with good results.

Marellan Jarros

Marellan Garros
Garros was a solid red and extremely short haired Vagabond grandson. By Becker.

Marellan Hum Dinger
Hum Dinger was out of an Isobel dam and by JR Legend. He was the Legend son we chose to keep and displayed a combination of muscle and softness. Was the top bull of the breed in2011 for maternal index.

Yamburgan Everist E102
We purchased semen after seeing him as a yearling. He caught our eye because of his balance and correctness. He topped the Yamburgan sale the next year at $28,000.

Inverary Roley Z100
We bought Roley along with his mother, and a couple of other cows from Richard and Julie Anderson when he was a yearling in 2006. We used him here and then took him to Sydney in 2007 for the feature show where he was Grand Champion under David Bondfield. Unfortunately he got sick at Sydney and we never got any semen or heavy use after that. The calves we got were very good, including steers that performed well at Sydney Show and the Beef Spectacular Feedlot Trial. A son, King Kong topped our 2008 sale.

Marellan Wallet
Homozygously polled. Wallet was Grand Champion at Sydney in 2001, as a 5 year old. We sold him as a yearling and then bought him back at 4 ½. We broke him in after the joining and took him straight to Sydney. Very thick and powerful as well as being solid red, clean sheathed and good skinned.

Royalla Dollars
Son of Wallet and sire of Ferrari. Very easy doing bull with eye appeal. Semen available in USA

Royalla Ripper
Our first Royal Show Grand Champion, Melbourne where he was still a Junior bull.

Sutherland Bundaberg
A son of Marellan Irish Isobel 38th who was physically exported to theRagsdale family in Kentucky USA. Bundaberg was a result of a flush toSutherland Titleist 269 and his semen was then sent back to Australia.Producer of great carcase cattle. The proof of his IMF comes in his descendants.

Marellan Emerald
A son of Sutherland Bundaberg. He did a great job for the Nero stud and others. The grandsire of Moombi Zoro.

Royalla Leader
We retained Leader in 2010. He had the biggest EMA as well as the highest IMF of his entire drop and was a marble fleck score 5. Super skinned and easy doing. Out of a top breeding Margie’s Memory cow who was sired by, Theodore. Five generations from AF Margies Memory 1287 who topped the 1993 Alden Farms dispersal at $33000. A son of Marellan Emerald.

Royalla Lord Chamberlain
A top breeding son of Super Dazzler, out of a tremendous Theodore daughter, sold to Nick and Alison Trompf. Currently in use in the herd.

Alta Cedar Samurai
Used AI over a small number of females. |

Marellan Highlander
Highlander was a the champion Shorthorn at Beef 2006 and almost claimed the Interbreed. By Theodore he was a soft, eye catching roan.

The Grove D851
Purchased for $37,000 in 2010. He is a long blodied and easy moving sire who had the top actual data as well as the top EBV's in The Grove sale. He is decended from two of our original SFA cows, Joyce and Isobel.

Royalla Nostalgia
By Theodore and out of a correct Garros cow, Nostalgia is being used over our heifers. Correct and easy doing with shape. We need to change name to "Inverary Rolex Z100".

Next of Kin
One of the most exciting young bulls we have had. By Indestructible and out of a top Ferrari daughter, this young sire will be one to watch.

Royalla Mojo 9310
By Indestructible and out of a Bundaberg, Mojo has the ideal muscle pattern for aBritish breed bull. Thick and very easy doing, Mojo is seeing a lot of use at Royalla.