Our Herd
The Royalla Shorthorn herd is one of Australia's premier Shorthorn breeding herd, with roots dating more than 60 years of Shorthorn breeding excellence. Originally founded under the name Marellan Shorthorn Stud, the herd based on breeding from an elite commercial Shorthorn herd that started in the early 1950s.
IN 1988, the Royalla prefix was established, which is the basis for the herd today, under the principal ownership of Neilson and Sue and their son Nic.
As our name implies, our herd is dedicated to BEEF PRODUCTION. Our Shorthorn herd consists of females and bulls who have been selected for their beef characteristics. Muscle, depth of body, and efficiency are all important selection tools used at Royalla. Shorthorn cattle are known for their carcass merit traits of marbling, tenderness, and high quality beef.

We are proud to highlight a few of the featured animals in our Shorthorn herd. As you view this page, our commitment to the breed is clearly evidenced. Royalla Shorthorn females are sound structured, deep bodied, have excellent udders, and exemplify reproductive excellence. We work hard to maintain excellent production records and breeding efficiency in order to produce females that raise heavy, high quality calves year in and year out. We invite you to view our herd, and if we can provide you with any additional information, please contact us.